PETER AND THE AMULET—Magic with a wonderful twist


Okay, so it’s 1953 in St. Louis and I’ve just come here from Willow, Idaho (I know…you never heard of it) and I’m about as in with the other kids here at Dewey School as a pin in a balloon factory. Nobody likes me. I mean except my mom and dad and my little sister, Ronette (I know…a weird name). But who would like a hick from Idaho with stick-out ears and is the shortest kid in his 7th grade class and who doesn’t think people should be down on Negroes and Jews and short kids from Idaho with stick out ears and I’m not exactly the Einstein of 7th graders in the world either, but… Well, you get the picture.

So, what does Nava Silbertasch, a Jewish girl in my class who decides to like me, and Joshua Josephson, a really cool Negro who gives me a mysterious amulet that he says will change my life, have to do with my story? Well, you’ll have to read Peter and the Amulet to find out.

HINT: You’ll be surprised!

In spite of what he claims, you will like Peter as he and his friend, Nava, cope with discrimination and bullying and tween struggles that are heart wrenching and loud-laugh funny. And wait until you see what happens at Christmas!

Peter and the Amulet, with its humor and stirring grab-a-tissue twists, is an unforgettable can’t-put-it-down book for Christmas that pulls in parents and children alike. The reaction of a mother of two junior high boys says it all: “I cried! I laughed! I was inspired!”


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