Discussion Questions for SHATTER: Book II, The Course of Fate Trilogy 

1. How did the discovery of The Chronicles lead to both a oneness and unity, and chaos and disruption?

2. Statements are made in SHATTER about an anti-religious secularist political and social climate that led to the demise of The Constitution. Do you see that in the United States and the world today? Do you think the divisiveness, contention, and tribalism that is occurring now might lead to something as radical as the dissolution of the United States? The breaking up of other countries?

3. While virtually the entire world knew that The Chronicles were overwhelming evidence of Jesus Christ, people’s responses ranged from conversion to disregard or rejection of that truth. Why? How can people not follow truth when they know for certain something is true? What about those who selectively follow only parts of truth? Is that being dishonest with oneself or is it defining oneself? Or both?

4. Sam Bentley justified adultery and his leaving his family. He appears to have recognized his errors and had deep regrets just moments before his death. Is there such a thing as genuine deathbed repentance? If so, does that make a statement about our ability to continue to change either for the good or the bad after our physical death?

5. Tish Leavitt was apparently doing all the right things, yet she experienced crushing events. So-called bad things happening to us is apparently not always a result of what we are doing. What does that say about the makeup of our mortal existence and its temporary nature? About our purpose here? About making right choices regardless of what is happening to us or around us? 

6. Can you empathize with the specific personal struggles of Tish, or Ariel, or John Amos, or Sam? They were all different, but maybe in a sense the same. What can we learn from the way each one dealt with their challenges?

7. Joe White (Charlie), Jill Hodges, and Sam Bentley were each responsible for their own deaths, but how were their motives different? Given that we are eternal beings, why is suicide never a real solution to our challenges?

8. Mordechai and Sam felt they were being directed by God. How do we know if “the voice” we hear and follow is from God or another source or just our imagination?

9. Can you see any of the calamitous events portrayed in SHATTER happening in our future? How might they unfold?

10. What prophecies or events in scriptures might portend the dissolution of the United States or the destruction of Jerusalem in our day?

11. What doors might be opened or closed if the United States were dissolved? If Jerusalem were destroyed?

12. Are there other observations or questions you would like to discuss?

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