Mormon pioneer legacy

Northwestern Montana 2010                         


When I was young, I did not think
of those who lived before.
All they were, were names to me -
just pictures, nothing more.

How could I know, in my youth,
the sacrifice they made for me?
That as they trod the barren plain,
they were walking out my legacy?

They were walking out my legacy!
By faith they walked, for they could see
each step they took was a step for me.
They walked and walked for me.

Now that I see things much more clear,
my gratitude I show.
I've cried their tears, I've felt their fears;
their trek through death, I know.

My soul is humbled by their gift.
Their footsteps blazed the trail for me.
My heart is broken by their pain;
I'm learning from their legacy.

I am the product of their faith;
they are my heritage.
The Light that shines in this, my day,
they lit and kept for me.

They learned to face their trials with hope;
to see in them the way to Peace.
And to come to Christ through sacrifice
is the legacy they left for me.

They have given me this legacy!
By  faith  they walked, for they could not see
each step they took was a step for me.
They walked and walked and walked for me.

               Steve Dunn Hanson

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